Yong Hu, Noether Inequality for Irregular Threefolds of General Type

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Yong Hu Shanghai Jiao Tong University Let X be a smooth irregular 3-fold of general type. In this talk, we will prove that the optimal Noether inequality vol(X) ≥ (4/3) pg(X) holds if pg(X) ≥ 16 or if X has a Gorenstein minimal model. Moreover, when X attains the equality and pg(X)

Shigeyuki Kondo, A Review on Enriques Surfaces: Moduli, Automorphism Groups and Positive Characteristics, I

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Shigeyuki Kondo Nagoya University The Enriques surface was discovered, in 1894 by Federigo Enriques, as a counter-example of a rationality problem. First I would like to recall the moduli space and the automorphism groups of Enriques surfaces over the complex numbers. In the later half, I shall mention a recent progress in

Shigeyuki Kondo, A Review on Enriques Surfaces: Moduli, Automorphism Groups and Positive Characteristics, II

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Shigeyuki Kondo Nagoya University The Enriques surface was discovered, in 1894 by Federigo Enriques, as a counter-example of a rationality problem. First I would like to recall the moduli space and the automorphism groups of Enriques surfaces over the complex numbers. In the later half, I shall mention a recent progress in

Hsueh-Yung Lin, Motivic Invariants of Birational Automorphisms of Threefolds

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Hsueh-Yung Lin National Taiwan University The motivic invariant c(f) of a birational automorphism f : X - → X measures the difference between the birational types of the exceptional divisors of f and those of the inverse f-1. In general c(f) is nonzero: this is the case when f is some Cremona

Ching-Jui Lai, Anticanonical Volume of Singular Fano Threefolds

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Ching-Jui Lai National Cheung Kung University The set of canonical Fano threefolds form a bounded family by results of Kawamata, Mori-Miyaoka-Kollar-Tagaki, and in a much more general setting by Birkar. In particular, the anticaonical volume -KX3 is bounded. An optimal lower bound is 1/330 by the work of Chen-Chen. In this talk,

Jungkai Chen, Threefold Divisorial Contraction to Curves

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Jungkai Chen National Taiwan University The minimal model program works pretty well in dimension three. However, the explicit classification of divisorial contractions to points was completed quite recently thanks to the work of Kawamata, Hayakawa, Kawakita and more. In this talk, we are going to describe threefold divisorial contractions to curves. We

Minyoung Jeon, Prym-Brill-Noether Loci and Prym-Petri Theorem


Zoom ID: 880 6763 5837 PW: 312515     Speaker Minyoung Jeon University of Georgia Prym varieties are abelian varieties constructed from etale double covers of algebraic curves. In 1985, Welters equipped Prym varieties with Brill-Noether loci. In this talk, we will describe the Prym-Brill-Noether loci with special vanishing at up to two marked points

Myeongjae Lee, Connected Components of the Strata of Residueless Meromorphic Differentials


Zoom ID: 880 6763 5837 PW: 312515     Speaker Myeongjae Lee Stony Brook University Strata of differentials are interesting objects studied in various fields such as Teichmuller dynamics, topology and algebraic geometry. Generalized strata are subsets of the strata of meromorphic differentials, where certain sets of residues summing up to zero. We present the

Kisun Lee, Introduction to Numerical Algebraic Geometry

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Kisun Lee Clemson University Numerical algebraic geometry employs numerical techniques for problems in algebraic geometry. This talk begins with a question reminding the meaning of solving a (polynomial) equation. It overviews the homotopy continuation as a method for finding solutions to a system of polynomial equations. After problems from algorithmic and application

Kisun Lee, Numerical Certification and Certified Homotopy Tracking

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Kisun Lee Clemson University A certified algorithm produces a solution and a certificate of correctness to a problem. Numerical certification studies certified algorithms for results obtained from numerical methods in algebraic geometry. In this talk, we discuss why numerical certification is needed in numerical algebraic geometry and introduce the Krawczyk homotopy as

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
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