Ming Xiao, On Some Mapping Problems between Bounded Symmetric Domains


     Speaker Ming Xiao UCSD Bounded symmetric domains are an important class of geometric objects in complex analysis and geometry, which possess a high degree of symmetry. They often serve as the model cases in the study of many rigidity phenomena. In this talk, we will discuss two mapping problems between bounded symmetric domains

Luca Rizzi, Local Systems, Algebraic Foliations and Fibrations


     Speaker Luca Rizzi IBS-CCG Given a semistable fibration f : X → B I will show a correspondence between foliations on X and local systems on B. Building up on this correspondence we will find conditions that give maximal rationally connected fibrations in terms of data on the foliation. We will develop the

Guolei Zhong, Dynamical Characterization of Projective Toric Varieties

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Guolei Zhong IBS-CCG As a fundamental building block of the equivariant minimal model program, the rationally connected variety plays a significant role in the classification of projective varieties admitting non-isomorphic endomorphisms. Twenty years ago, Nakayama confirmed Sato’s conjecture that, a smooth projective rational surface is toric if and only if it admits

Ziquan Zhuang, Boundedness of Singularities and Minimal Log Discrepancies of Kollár Components


     Speaker Ziquan Zhuang Johns Hopkins U Several years ago, Chi Li introduced the local volume of a klt singularity in his work on K-stability. The local-global analogy between klt singularities and Fano varieties, together with recent study in K-stability lead to the conjecture that klt singularities whose local volumes are bounded away from

Benjamin McMillan, The Range of the Killing Operator

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Benjamin McMillan IBS-CCG The Killing operator in (semi) Riemannian geometry has well understood kernel: the infinitesimal symmetries of a given metric. At the next level, the range of the Killing operator can be interpreted as those perturbations of the metric that result from a mere change of coordinates---in contexts like general relativity,

Jakub Witaszek, Quasi-F-splittings


     Speaker Jakub Witaszek Princeton U What allowed for many developments in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra was a discovery of the notion of a Frobenius splitting, which, briefly speaking, detects how pathological positive characteristic Fano and Calabi-Yau varieties can be. Recently, Yobuko introduced a more general concept, a quasi-F-splitting, which captures much more

Complex Analytic Geometry

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speakers Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National U.) Yoshinori Hashimoto (Osaka Metropolitan U.) Dano Kim (Seoul National U.) Takayuki Koike (Osaka Metropolitan U.) Seungjae Lee (IBS-CCG) Nguyen Ngoc Cuong (KAIST) Mihai Paun (Bayreuth U.) Martin Sera (Kyoto U. Advanced Science) Jihun Yum (IBS-CCG)      Schedule Oct. 5 Infinitesimal extension of twisted canonical forms and

Pak Tung Ho, The Weighted Yamabe Problem

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Pak Tung Ho Sogang University In this talk, I will explain what the weighted Yamabe problem is, and mention some related results that Jinwoo Shin (KIAS) and I obtained.

Aeryeong Seo, TBA

B266 and on-line

     Speaker Aeryeong Seo Kyungpook National University TBA

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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