Chang-Yeon Chough, Introduction to algebraic stacks, VII, VIII

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Chang-Yeon Chough Sogang Univ. This is an 8 hours long lecture series on algebraic stacks, which have become an important part of algebraic geometry (for example, in the study of moduli spaces) since Deligne and Mumford established the foundation of the theory of stacks. This crash course will be following roughly "Algebraic

Gunhee Cho, Non-measure Hyperbolicity of K3 and Enriques Surfaces

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Gunhee Cho UCSB By exploiting the upper semicontinuity of the Kobayashi-Eisenman pseudo volume (and pseudometric) under deformations of complex structures, we establish the non-measure hyperbolicity of K3 surfaces—which M. Green and P. Griffiths verified for certain cases in 1980—holds for all K3 surfaces. Our result provides a stronger condition than the Kobayashi

Minseong Kwon, Spherical Geometry of Hilbert Schemes of Conics in Adjoint Varieties

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Minseong Kwon KAIST For each rational homogeneous space, the space of lines is now well-understood and can be described in terms of the induced group action. It is natural to consider rational curves of higher degree, and in this talk, we discuss geometry of conics in adjoint varieties, which are rational homogeneous

Kyeong-Dong Park, K-stability of Fano Spherical Varieties, I

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Kyeong-Dong Park Gyeongsang National University The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the paper "K-stability of Fano spherical varieties" by Thibaut Delcroix. For a reductive algebraic group G, a normal G-variety is called spherical if it contains an open B-orbit, where B is a fixed

Kyeong-Dong Park, K-stability of Fano Spherical Varieties, II

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Kyeong-Dong Park Gyeongsang National University The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the paper "K-stability of Fano spherical varieties" by Thibaut Delcroix. For a reductive algebraic group G, a normal G-variety is called spherical if it contains an open B-orbit, where B is a fixed

Kyeong-Dong Park, K-stability of Fano Spherical Varieties, III

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Kyeong-Dong Park Gyeongsang National University The aim of this seminar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the paper "K-stability of Fano spherical varieties" by Thibaut Delcroix. For a reductive algebraic group G, a normal G-variety is called spherical if it contains an open B-orbit, where B is a fixed

KSCV Workshop #26

B109 IBS, Korea, Republic of

Speakers Taeyong Ahn (Inha University) Ye-Won Luke Cho (Pusan National University) Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National University) Pham Hoang Hiep (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) Dinh Tuan Huynh (Hue University of Education-Hue University) Łukasz Kosiński (Jagiellonian University) Kang-Hyurk Lee (Gyeongsang National University) Man-Chun Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Hoseob Seo (Institute for Basic

Takayuki Koike, On Some Variants of Ueda’s Lemma and its Application


    Speaker Takayuki Koike (Osaka Metropolitan University) In this talk, we explain our results on some variants of Ueda's lemma on L∞-estimates for Cech coboundary operators that hold uniformly for all flat holomorphic line bundles on compact Kähler manifolds. This talk is partially based on joint work with Y. Hashimoto and T. Uehara.Title :

George Hitching, Brill-Noether Loci on Moduli Space of Symplectic Bundles over a Curve

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker George Hitching Oslo Metropolitan University Let C be a smooth projective curve of genus g. The symplectic Brill-Noether locus S(k, 2n, K) parametrises stable bundles of rank 2n over C with at least k independent sections, and which admit a nondegenerate skewsymmetric bilinear form with values in the canonical bundle K. This

Thomas Peternell, Semipositive Tangent Bundles and Canonical Extensions

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Thomas Peternell University of Bayreuth Given a projective complex manifold M with an ample polarization there is canonically associated an affine bundle Z over M. The question I will discuss is under which circumstances Z is an affine variety, or at least Stein. This is related to the global structure of M,

Yum-Tong Siu, [IBS-KAIST Seminar] Differential Relations for Multiplier Ideal Sheaves in Estimates

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Yum-Tong Siu Harvard University For sums of squares of real vector fields, Hörmander linked subelliptic estimates to the spanning property of iterated Lie brackets of vector fields. Kohn studied the more complicated analogue of subelliptic ​∂​​​​ estimates for weakly pseudoconvex domains, with vector-valued unknowns. In the weak-solution approach to solving the ∂​​​

Fabrizio Catanese, [IBS-KAIST Seminar] Geometry and Dynamics of Geometric Endomorphisms of the Hesse Moduli Space of Elliptic Curves

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Fabrizio Catanese University of Bayreuth We consider the geometric map C, called Cayleyan, associating to a plane cubic E the adjoint of its dual curve. We show that C and the classical Hessian map H generate a free semigroup. We begin the investigation of the geometry and dynamics of these maps, and

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