Michel Brion, Introduction to Symmetric Spaces
B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic ofSpeaker Michel Brion U. Grenoble This is an introductory lecture on symmetric spaces in algebraic geometry.
Speaker Michel Brion U. Grenoble This is an introductory lecture on symmetric spaces in algebraic geometry.
Speaker Michel Brion U. Grenoble This is an introductory lecture on compactifications of symmetric spaces in algebraic geometry.
Speakers Michel Brion (U. Grenoble) Jarek Buczynski (IMPAN, Warsaw) Thibaut Delcroix (U. Montpellier) Minseong Kwon (KAIST/IBS-CCG) Qifeng Li (Shandong U.) Yoshinori Namikawa (RIMS, Kyoto) Kyeong-Dong Park (Gyeongsang National U.) Boris Pasquier (U. Poitiers) Léa Villeneuve (U. Poitiers) Abstracts PDF file Schedule April 15 (Monday) 10:00-11:00 Brion 11:20-12:20 Brion 12:30-13:20 Lunch 15:00-16:00 Kwon 16:20-17:40 Li April …
Speaker In-Kyun Kim KIAS In algebraic geometry, constructing moduli spaces that parametrize families of algebraic varieties with certain properties is an important problem. In the case of Fano varieties, the construction of moduli spaces is a challenging problem. K-stability provides a criterion for selecting nice representatives within the moduli space, which helps create …
Speaker Chuyu Zhou Yonsei University We will present various criterion for K-stability for Fano varieties, including viewpoints from test configurations, valuations, and filtrations.
Speaker Chuyu Zhou Yonsei University We will present the construction of moduli space of Fano varieties with K-stability, including defining the moduli functor, showing various good properties of the functor, and introducing Alper-Halpern Leistner-Heinloth criterion for the existence of good moduli space.
Speaker Chuyu Zhou Yonsei University We will introduce a novel characteristic of K-stability, i.e. wall crossing phenomenon, and present a comparison between K-stability and GIT-stability. Time permitting, we will survey some open problems.
Speaker Benjamin Bakker Univ. Illinois Chicago Compact hyperkahler manifolds X are higher-dimensional generalizations of K3 surfaces; their geometry is tightly constrained by the existence of a holomorphic symplectic form. For example, a result of Matsushita says the only nontrivial fibration structures f:X→B they admit are fibrations by Lagrangian tori. In this talk, I …
Speaker Benjamin Bakker Univ. Illinois Chicago Matsushita conjectured that for any Lagrangian fibration f:X→B of a compact hyperkahler manifold X, the fibers deform either maximally or trivially in moduli. In this talk I'll explain how to prove this conjecture via Hodge theory. I will also discuss some other features of the topology of …
Speaker Shigeyuki Kondo Nagoya University The Enriques surface was discovered, in 1894 by Federigo Enriques, as a counter-example of a rationality problem. First I would like to recall the moduli space and the automorphism groups of Enriques surfaces over the complex numbers. In the later half, I shall mention a recent progress in …
Speaker Shigeyuki Kondo Nagoya University The Enriques surface was discovered, in 1894 by Federigo Enriques, as a counter-example of a rationality problem. First I would like to recall the moduli space and the automorphism groups of Enriques surfaces over the complex numbers. In the later half, I shall mention a recent progress in …
Speaker Hsueh-Yung Lin National Taiwan University The motivic invariant c(f) of a birational automorphism f : X - → X measures the difference between the birational types of the exceptional divisors of f and those of the inverse f-1. In general c(f) is nonzero: this is the case when f is some Cremona …