Changho Han (한창호, Korea University)
Changho Han (한창호) Visitor (2024.10.13-2024.10.14) from Korea University Office: -
Changho Han (한창호) Visitor (2024.10.13-2024.10.14) from Korea University Office: -
Speaker Changho Han Korea university K3 surfaces, as a generalization of elliptic curves, have a rich amount of geometric properties. Recalling that elliptic curves are double covers of rational curves branched over 4 distinct points, there are K3 surfaces that are cyclic triple covers of rational surfaces; Artebani and Sarti classified such generic …
Speaker Justin Lacini Princeton university A log del Pezzo surface is a normal surface with only Kawamata log terminal singularities and anti-ample canonical class. Over the complex numbers, Keel and McKernan have classified all but a bounded family of log del Pezzo surfaces of Picard number one. In this talk we will extend …
Speaker David Sykes IBS CCG The basic problem of finding (local) biholomorphisms mapping one real hypersurface in a complex space onto another is only well understood for a limited class of hypersurfaces, and has a fundamental relationship to their induced CR geometries. Following a light historical survey of major results in the area, …
Naoto Yotsutani Visitor (2024.10.26-2024.10.29) from Kagawa University Office: -
Speaker Naoto Yotsutani Kagawa university We prove that if the Futaki invariant of a polarized Bott manifold (X, L) for any ample line bundle L vanishes, then X is isomorphic to the products of the projective lines. This talk is based on a work joint with Kento Fujita (algebro-geometrical approach), and another independent …