Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference

Invited Speakers

Dongwook Choa (KIAS, Seoul)
Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National Univ.)
Siarhei Finski (École Polytechnique)
Hervé Gaussier (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes)
Siqi He (AMSS, Beijing)
Seshadri Harish (Indian Inst. Science)
Masafumi Hattori (Kyoto Univ.)
Ludmil Katzarkov (Univ. Miami)
Yusuke Kawamoto (ETH, Zurich)
Takayuki Koike (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
Yu-Shen Lin (Boston Univ.)
George Marinescu (Univ. Köln)
Yuichi Nohara (Meiji Univ.)
Semon Rezchikov (Princeton Univ.)
Rasul Shafikov (Univ. Western Ontario)
Li-Sheng Tseng (U.C. Irvine)
Seungook Yu (Postech)
Jihun Yum (Gyeongsang National Univ.)
Ruobing Zhang (Princeton Univ.)
Andrew Zimmer (Univ. Wisconsin)





Scientific Committee

Xiuxiong Chen (Stony Brook Univ.)
Kengo Hirachi (Univ. Tokyo)
Jun-Muk Hwang (IBS-CCG)
Yong-Geun Oh (IBS-CGP & POSTECH)
Kaoru Ono (RIMS, Kyoto)
Yongbin Ruan (Zhejiang Univ.)

Organizing Committee

Jun-Muk Hwang (IBS-CCG)
Sungyeon Kim (IBS-CCG)
Yong-Geun Oh (IBS-CGP & POSTECH)


IBS Science Culture Center, Daejeon, Korea



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Jihun Yum, Stochastic Bergman Geometry


Jihun Yum

For a bounded domain Ω in Cn, let P(Ω) be the set of all (real) probability distributions on Ω. Then, in general, P(Ω) becomes an infinite-dimensional smooth manifold and it always admit a natural Riemannian pseudo-metric, called the Fisher information metric, on P(Ω). Information geometry studies a finite-dimensional submanifold M, which is called a statistical model, in P(Ω) using geometric concepts such as Riemannian metric, distance, connection, and curvature, to better understand the properties of statistical models M and provide insights into the behavior of learning algorithms and optimization methods.

In this talk, we first introduce a map Φ : Ω → P(Ω) and prove that the pull-back of the Fisher information metric on P(Ω) is exactly same as the Bergman metric of Ω. This map provides a completely new perspective that allows us to view Bergman geometry from a stochastical viewpoint. We will discuss the following 4 things.

1. The relation between Φ and the Kobayashi map ι : Ω → CP.

2. A Stochastic formula for the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Bergman metric.

3. A Stochastic condition for injectivity of a proper holomorphic surjective map between two bounded domains.

4. The central limit theorem on Ω.

This is a joint work with Gunhee Cho at UC Santa Barbara University.

Complex Analytic Geometry


Young-Jun Choi (Pusan National U.)
Yoshinori Hashimoto (Osaka Metropolitan U.)
Dano Kim (Seoul National U.)
Takayuki Koike (Osaka Metropolitan U.)
Seungjae Lee (IBS-CCG)
Nguyen Ngoc Cuong (KAIST)
Mihai Paun (Bayreuth U.)
Martin Sera (Kyoto U. Advanced Science)
Jihun Yum (IBS-CCG)


Oct. 5

      1. Infinitesimal extension of twisted canonical forms and applications (part 1)
        Mihai Paun

      2. Weighted L2 holomorphic functions on ball fiber bundles over compact Kähler manifolds
        Seungjae Lee

      3. Weak solutions to Monge-Ampère type equations on compact Hermitian manifold with boundary
        Nguyen Ngoc Cuong

      4. Limit of Bergman kernels on a tower of coverings of compact Kähler manifolds
        Jihun Yum

Oct. 6

      1. Infinitesimal extension of twisted canonical forms and applications (part 2)
        Mihai Paun

      2. Curvature of higher direct images
        Young-Jun Choi

      3. Some recent results on constant scalar curvature Kähler metrics with cone singularities
        Yoshinori Hashimoto

      4. Projective K3 surfaces which contain Levi-flat hypersurfaces
        Takayuki Koike

Oct. 7

      1. Hermite-Einstein metrics on stable reflexive sheaves on Kaehler manifolds
        Mihai Paun

      2. Lelong numbers of direct images of generalized Monge-Ampère products
        Martin Sera

      3. Canonical bundle formula and degenerating families of volume forms
        Dano Kim

Jihun Yum, Limits of Bergman kernels on a Tower of Coverings of Compact Kähler Manifolds


Jihun Yum
IBS, Center for Complex Geometry

The Bergman kernel BX, which is by the definition the reproducing kernel of the space of L2 holomorphic n-forms on a n-dimensional complex manifold X, is one of the important objects in complex geometry. In this talk, we observe the asymptotics of the Bergman kernels, as well as the Bergman metric, on a tower of coverings. More precisely, we show that, for a tower of finite Galois coverings {ϕj : XjX} of compact Kähler manifold X converging to an infinite Galois covering ϕ : X~X, the sequence of push-forward Bergman kernels ϕj*BXj locally uniformly converges to ϕ*BX~. Also, we show that if the canonical line bundle KX~ of X~ is very ample, then the canonical line bundle KXj of Xj is also very ample for sufficiently large j. This is a joint work with S. Yoo in IBS-CCG.

Jihun Yum, Characterization of Diederich-Fornaess and Steinness Indices in Complex Manifolds


Jihun Yum
IBS, Center for Complex Geometry

Let Ω be a relatively compact pseudoconvex domain in a complex manifold X with smooth boundary ∂Ω. The Diederich-Fornaess index and the Steinness index of Ω are defined by

DF(Ω) := supρ { 0 < η < 1 : -(-ρ)η is strictly plurisubharmonic on Ω ∩ U for some neighborhood U of ∂Ω },

S(Ω) := infρ { η > 1 : ρη is strictly plurisubharmonic on c ∩ U for some neighborhood U of ∂Ω },

where ρ is a defining function for Ω.

In the previous talk, we have seen that two indices are completely characterized by D’Angelo 1-form when the ambient space is X = Cn. In this talk, we generalize the formulas for a relatively compact pseudoconvex domains in a (general) complex manifold X. Since the formulas do not hold anymore in general, unfortunately, we introduce 4 kinds of each of the Diederich-Fornaess and Steinness indices. Then we give some non-degeneracy conditions for these indices agree. Also, we exam the geometric meaning of the D’Angelo 1-form when the boundary ∂Ω is Levi-flat.

Jihun Yum, Characterization of Diederich-Fornaess and Steinness Indices in Cn


Jihun Yum
IBS, Center for Complex Geometry

Let Ω be a bounded pseudoconvex domain in Cn with smooth boundary ∂Ω. The Diederich-Fornaess index and the Steinness index of Ω are defined by

DF(Ω) := supρ { 0 < η < 1 : -(-ρ)η is strictly plurisubharmonic on Ω ∩ U for some neighborhood U of ∂Ω },

S(Ω) := infρ { η > 1 : ρη is strictly plurisubharmonic on c ∩ U for some neighborhood U of ∂Ω },

where ρ is a defining function for Ω.

First, we see basic properties and known results about the Diederich-Fornaess and Steinness indices. Also, we see the relation between two indices on a 1-parameter family of domains in C2, called worm domains, constructed by Diederich and Fornaess.

We characterize the Diederich-Fornaess and Steinness indices in terms of a special 1-form, which we call D’Angelo 1-form. These formulas are the most important in this talk. After giving a sketch of the proof, we show many applications and corollaries of the formulas. Especially, we prove that

    • two indices are invariant under CR-diffeomorphisms,
    • semi-continuity of two indices.
IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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