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Thibaut Delcroix, Weighted Kähler geometry and semisimple principal fibrations (Lecture I)

April 2 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm KST

B236-1, IBS Korea, Republic of


Thibaut Delcroix
Université de Montpellier

In Kähler geometry, especially in the questions of existence of canonical Kähler metrics, the volume form ωn associated with a Kähler form ω plays a central role. In weighted Kähler geometry, we consider a Kähler manifold X equipped with a Hamiltonian action of a torus T, a moment map μ and associated moment polytope Δ=μ(X). We fix a weight function v:Δ → (0,+∞), then replace the volume form ωn by vμ ωn. One can then define new canonical Kähler metrics: weighted solitons and weighted cscK metrics (introduced by Lahdili), which include most classical canonical Kähler metrics.

I will first introduce this weighted setting, then the (analytic) weighted delta invariant, a number that encodes the existence of weighted solitons. I will then present a sufficient condition of existence of weighted cscK metrics, in line with the J-flow approach of Song-Weinkove. Then I will focus on the semisimple principal fibration cosntruction, a construction of varieties from a principal torus bundle and a fiber. The link with weighted Kähler geometry is that, under assumptions on the principal bundle, the Kähler geometry of the total space reduces to the weighted Kähler geometry of the fiber.


April 2
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm KST
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IBS Korea, Republic of


Dongseon Hwang
IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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