Paul-Andi Nagy, Einstein Deformations of Hyperkaehler Cones

B236 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Paul-Andi Nagy IBS CCG For a hyperkaehler cone with compact link (M, g) we describe the Einstein deformation theory of g and relate it to the algebraic geometry of the twistor space Z of M. This is joint work with Uwe Semmelmann.

Han-Bom Moon, Derived Category of Moduli of Vector Bundles I


     Speaker Han-Bom Moon Fordham University The derived category of a smooth projective variety is an object expected to encode much birational geometric information. Recently, there have been many results on decomposing derived categories into simpler building blocks. In the first lecture, I will provide an elementary introduction to two independent topics -- 1.

Han-Bom Moon, Derived Category of Moduli of Vector Bundles II


     Speaker Han-Bom Moon Fordham University The derived category of a smooth projective variety is an object expected to encode much birational geometric information. Recently, there have been many results on decomposing derived categories into simpler building blocks. In the first lecture, I will provide an elementary introduction to two independent topics -- 1.

Jongbaek Song, Regular Hessenberg Varieties and Toric Varieties


     Speaker Jongbaek Song KIAS A Hessenberg variety is a subvariety of the flag variety (G/B) determined by two parameters: one is an element of the Lie algebra of G and the other is a B-submodule containing the Lie algebra of B, known as a Hessenberg space. In this talk, we focus on elements

Young-Hoon Kiem, A New Construction of the Moduli Space of Pointed Stable Curves of Genus 0


     Speaker Young-Hoon Kiem Seoul National University The moduli space of n points on a projective line up to projective equivalence has been a topic of research since the 19th century. A natural moduli theoretic compactification was constructed by Deligne and Mumford as an algebraic stack. Later, Knudsen, Keel, Kapranov and others provided explicit

Jeong-Seop Kim, Positivity of Tangent Bundles of Fano Threefolds


     Speaker Jeong-Seop Kim KAIST As well as the Hartshorne-Frankel conjecture on the ampleness of tangent bundle, it has been asked to characterize a smooth projective variety X whose tangent bundle TX attains certain positivity, e.g., nefness, k-ampleness, or bigness. But for the ampleness, the complete answers are not known even within the class

Guolei Zhong, Strictly Nef Divisors on Singular Varieties


     Speaker Guolei Zhong IBS CCG A Q-Cartier divisor on a normal projective variety is said to be strictly nef, if it has positive intersection with every integral curve. It has been a long history for people to measure how far a strictly nef divisor is from being ample. In this talk, I will

Yonghwa Cho, Nodal Sextics and Even Sets of Nodes


     Speaker Yonghwa Cho IBS CCG It is a classical question to ask how many nodes may a surface contain. For sextics, the maximum number of nodes is 65, and is attained by Barth's example. We ask further: are all sextics with 65 nodes like Barth's example? To find an answer, we study even

Hoseob Seo, On L2 Extension from Singular Hypersurfaces


     Speaker Hoseob Seo IBS CCG In L2 extension theorems from an irreducible singular hypersurface in a complex manifold, important roles are played by certain measures such as the Ohsawa measure, which determines when a given function can be extended. In this talk, we show that the singularity of the Ohsawa measure can be

Guolei Zhong, Dynamical Characterization of Projective Toric Varieties

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Guolei Zhong IBS-CCG As a fundamental building block of the equivariant minimal model program, the rationally connected variety plays a significant role in the classification of projective varieties admitting non-isomorphic endomorphisms. Twenty years ago, Nakayama confirmed Sato’s conjecture that, a smooth projective rational surface is toric if and only if it admits

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
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