Changho Han, Compact Moduli of Lattice Polarized K3 Surfaces with Nonsymplectic Cyclic Action of Order 3


     Speaker Changho Han University of Georgia Observe that any construction of "meaningful" compactification of moduli spaces of objects involve enlarging the class of objects in consideration. For example, Deligne and Mumford introduced the notion of stable curves in order to compactify the moduli of smooth curves of genus g, and Satake used the

Changho Han, Compact Moduli of K3 Surfaces with a Given Nonsymplectic Cyclic Action

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Changho Han University of Waterloo To construct a moduli space which is itself a compactification of a given moduli space, one needs to enlarge the class of objects in consideration (e.g. adding certain singular curves to the class of smooth curves). After a brief review of the compactifications of the moduli of

Changho Han, Trigonal Curves and Associated K3 Surfaces

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

    Speaker Changho Han Korea university K3 surfaces, as a generalization of elliptic curves, have a rich amount of geometric properties. Recalling that elliptic curves are double covers of rational curves branched over 4 distinct points, there are K3 surfaces that are cyclic triple covers of rational surfaces; Artebani and Sarti classified such generic

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
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대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
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55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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