JongHae Keum, Fake Projective Planes I

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker JongHae Keum KIAS Fake projective planes (abbreviated as FPPs) are 2-dimensional complex manifolds with the same Betti numbers as the projective plane, but not isomorphic to it. FPPs can be uniformized by a complex 2-ball. In other words, they are ball quotients having the minimum possible Betti numbers. The existence of such

JongHae Keum, Fake Projective Plane II

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker JongHae Keum KIAS Fake projective planes (abbreviated as FPPs) are 2-dimensional complex manifolds with the same Betti numbers as the projective plane, but not isomorphic to it. FPPs can be uniformized by a complex 2-ball. In other words, they are ball quotients having the minimum possible Betti numbers. The existence of such

Seminars on Algebraic Surfaces and Related Topics

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Schedule Feb. 27 N-resolutions Giancarlo Urzua (UC Chille) 13:30-14:20 Smooth Projective Surfaces with Pseudo-effective Tangent Bundles Guolei Zhong (IBS-CCG) 14:40-15:30 Nodal Surfaces and Cubic Discriminants Yonghwa Cho (IBS-CCG) 15:50-16:40 Lagrangian Fibration Structure on the Cotangent Bundle of a Del Pezzo Surface of Degree 4 Hosung Kim (IBS-CCG) 17:00-17:50 Dinner 18:20-20:00 Feb. 28 Deformations

JongHae Keum, Mori Dream Surfaces of General Type with pg=0

B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker JongHae Keum KIAS (This is a part of Seminars on Algebraic Surfaces and Related Topics.) The Cox ring of a variety is the total coordinate ring, i.e., the direct sum of all spaces of global sections of all divisors. When this ring is finitely generated, the variety is called Mori dream (MD).

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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