Speaker Jinhyung Park KAIST In 1986, Green-Lazarsfeld raised the gonality conjecture asserting that the gonality gon(C) of a smooth projective curve C of genus g can be read off from weight-one syzygies of a sufficiently positive line bundle L, and also proposed possible least degree of L, that is 2g+gon(C)-1. In 2015, Ein-Lazarsfeld …
Speaker Jie Liu AMSS I'll report joint works with Baohua Fu (AMSS), in which we investigate symplectic singularities arising from the affinization of the cotangent bundle of a smooth variety.
The goal of the workshop is to INTRODUCE some of the most interesting recent developments in complex geometry to (young) people working in areas related to complex geometry. For this purpose, the speakers will try to make the talks understandable to broad audience. Invited Speakers 2-hours lectures Bin Guo (Rutgers U.) Shigeharu Takayama (U. Tokyo) …