Mihai Paun, TBA (Lecture II)
B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic ofSpeaker Mihai Paun U. Bayreuth TBA
Speaker Mihai Paun U. Bayreuth TBA
Speaker Mihai Paun U. Bayreuth TBA
Speaker Jinhyung Park KAIST In 1986, Green-Lazarsfeld raised the gonality conjecture asserting that the gonality gon(C) of a smooth projective curve C of genus g can be read …
Speaker Jie Liu AMSS I'll report joint works with Baohua Fu (AMSS), in which we investigate symplectic singularities arising from the affinization of the cotangent bundle of a …
The goal of the workshop is to INTRODUCE some of the most interesting recent developments in complex geometry to (young) people working in areas related to complex geometry. For this …