Chenyang Xu, K-stability of Fano Varieties
on-lineSpeaker Chenyang Xu Princeton Univ. K-stability of Fano varieties was initiated as a central topic in complex geometry, for its relation with the Kähler-Einstein metric. It turns out …
Speaker Chenyang Xu Princeton Univ. K-stability of Fano varieties was initiated as a central topic in complex geometry, for its relation with the Kähler-Einstein metric. It turns out …
Speaker Gunhee Cho UCSB We seek to gain progress on the following long-standing conjectures in hyperbolic complex geometry: prove that a simply connected complete Kähler manifold with negatively …
Speaker Bo-Hae Im KAIST (This is a part of Arithemetic Geometry Day in IBS-CCG.) We are interested in the existence and non-existence of rational curves on certain Kummer …
Speaker WonTae Hwang Jeonbuk National Univ. (This is a part of Arithemetic Geometry Day in IBS-CCG.) We compute the Jordan constants of simple abelian surfaces over fields of …
Speaker Junho Peter Whang Seoul National Univ. (This is a part of Arithemetic Geometry Day in IBS-CCG.) Character varieties of manifolds are basic objects in geometry and low-dimensional …
Speaker Kang-Hyurk Lee GNU The Wong-Rosay theorem says that a smoothly bounded domain covering a compact complex manifold is biholomorphically equivalent to the unit ball. The general methodology …
Speaker Jeong-Seop Kim KAIST As well as the Hartshorne-Frankel conjecture on the ampleness of tangent bundle, it has been asked to characterize a smooth projective variety X whose …
Speaker Duc-Viet Vu Cologne I present a version of the Moser-Trudinger inequality in the setting of complex geometry. As a very particular case, the result already gives a …
Speaker Luca Rizzi IBS CCG Let f be a semistable fibration between a smooth complex variety of dimension n and a smooth complex curve. By a famous result …
Speaker Guolei Zhong IBS CCG A Q-Cartier divisor on a normal projective variety is said to be strictly nef, if it has positive intersection with every integral curve. …
Speaker Atsushi Ito Okayama Univ. Projective normality is an important property of ample line bundles on algebraic varieties. In this talk, I will explain that a general g-dimensional …
Speaker Yonghwa Cho IBS CCG It is a classical question to ask how many nodes may a surface contain. For sextics, the maximum number of nodes is 65, …