Jakub Witaszek, Quasi-F-splittings
on-lineSpeaker Jakub Witaszek Princeton U What allowed for many developments in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra was a discovery of the notion of a Frobenius splitting, which, briefly …
Speaker Jakub Witaszek Princeton U What allowed for many developments in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra was a discovery of the notion of a Frobenius splitting, which, briefly …
Speaker Pak Tung Ho Sogang University In this talk, I will explain what the weighted Yamabe problem is, and mention some related results that Jinwoo Shin (KIAS) and …
Speaker Aeryeong Seo Kyungpook National University TBA
Speaker Jinhyun Park KAIST The classical reciprocity theorem, also called the residue theorem, states that the sum of the residues of a rational (meromorphic) differential form on a …
Speaker Jaewoo Jeong IBS CCG The Hankel index of a real variety is a semi-algebraic invariant that quantifies the (structural) difference between nonnegative quadrics and sums of …
Speaker Livia Campo KIAS The classification of terminal Fano 3-folds has been tackled from different directions: for instance, using the Minimal Model Program, via explicit Birational Geometry, and …
Speaker Junho Choe KIAS Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity, simply regularity, is one of the most interesting invariants in projective algebraic geometry, and the regularity conjecture due to Eisenbud and Goto …
Speaker Joaquín Moraga UCLA In this talk, we will introduce the absolute coregularity of Fano varieties. The coregularity measures the singularities of the anti-pluricanonical sections. Philosophically, most Fano …
Speaker Andrea Petracci Università di Bologna Fano varieties are algebraic varieties with positive curvature; they are basic building blocks of algebraic varieties. Great progress has been recently made …
Speaker JongHae Keum KIAS Fake projective planes (abbreviated as FPPs) are 2-dimensional complex manifolds with the same Betti numbers as the projective plane, but not isomorphic to it. …
Speaker JongHae Keum KIAS Fake projective planes (abbreviated as FPPs) are 2-dimensional complex manifolds with the same Betti numbers as the projective plane, but not isomorphic to it. …
Speaker Kangjin Han DGIST Secant variety (or more generally Join) construction is one of the main methods to construct a new geometric object from the original one in …