Young-jun Choi, Existence of a Complete Holomorphic Vector Field via the Kähler-Einstein Metric

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Young-jun Choi Pusan National University A fundamental problem in Several Complex Variables is to classify bounded pseudoconvex domains in the complex Euclidean space with a noncompact automorphism group, especially with a compact quotient. In the results of Wong-Rosay and Frankel, they make use of the "Scaling method" for obtaining an 1-parameter family

Hoseob Seo, On Singularities of Toric Plurisubharmonic Funcitons

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Hoseob Seo Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University In this talk, we discuss recent progresses on singularities of toric plurisubharmonic functions. First, we review the notion of Newton convex bodies of toric plurisubharmonic functions on a polydisk D(0,r) ⊂ Cn. As an application, we show that the cluster points of jumping

Dano Kim, Canonical Bundle Formula and Degenerating Families of Volume Forms


     Speaker Dano Kim Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University We will talk about a metric version of Kawamata's canonical bundle formula for log Calabi-Yau fibrations: the L2 metric carries singularity described by the discriminant divisor and the moduli part line bundle has a singular hermitian metric with vanishing Lelong numbers. This answers

Pak Tung Ho, Chern-Yamabe Problem


     Speaker Pak Tung Ho Sogang University I will explain what the Chern-Yamabe problem is, and talk about the Chern-Yamabe flow which is a geometric flow approach to solve the Chern-Yamabe problem. I will also mention other results related to the Chern-Yamabe problem.

Jihun Yum, Limits of Bergman kernels on a Tower of Coverings of Compact Kähler Manifolds

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Jihun Yum IBS, Center for Complex Geometry The Bergman kernel BX, which is by the definition the reproducing kernel of the space of L2 holomorphic n-forms on a n-dimensional complex manifold X, is one of the important objects in complex geometry. In this talk, we observe the asymptotics of the Bergman kernels,

Gunhee Cho, The Lower Bound of the Integrated Carathéodory-Reiffen Metric and Invariant Metrics on Complete Noncompact Kähler Manifolds


     Speaker Gunhee Cho UCSB We seek to gain progress on the following long-standing conjectures in hyperbolic complex geometry: prove that a simply connected complete Kähler manifold with negatively pinched sectional curvature is biholomorphic to a bounded domain and the Carathéodory-Reiffen metric does not vanish everywhere. As the next development of the important recent

Kang-Hyurk Lee, Smoothly Bounded Domain with a Compact Quotient


     Speaker Kang-Hyurk Lee GNU The Wong-Rosay theorem says that a smoothly bounded domain covering a compact complex manifold is biholomorphically equivalent to the unit ball. The general methodology of this theorem is the affine rescaling method. In this talk, I will introduce the potential rescaling method, an alternative of the affine rescaling. This

Duc-Viet Vu, Moser-Trudinger Inequalities and Complex Monge-Ampere Equations


     Speaker Duc-Viet Vu Cologne I present a version of the Moser-Trudinger inequality in the setting of complex geometry. As a very particular case, the result already gives a new Moser-Trudinger inequality for functions in the Sobolev space W1,2 of a domain in R2. As an application, we deduce a new necessary condition for

Slawomir Dinew, Extension Through Small Sets in Complex Analysis


     Speaker Slawomir Dinew Jagiellonian University, Krakow Extension problems through a small singular set appear throughout complex analysis. After a short reminder of some classical results we shall focus on problems of extending (pluri)subharmonic functions. In particular we shall focus on new techniques coming from PDEs that lead to resolutions of several questions in

Tsz On Mario Chan, Analytic Adjoint Ideal Sheaves via Residue Functions

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Tsz On Mario Chan Pusan National University In this talk, we introduce a modification of the analytic adjoint ideal sheaves. The original analytic adjoint ideal sheaves were studied by Guenancia and Dano Kim. The modified version makes use of the residue functions with respect to log-canonical (lc) measures, giving a sequence of

Ngoc-Son Duong, Proper Holomorphic Maps from the Complex 2-ball into the 3-dimensional Classical Domain of Type IV


     Speaker Ngoc-Son Duong University of Vienna In this talk, we will discuss a complete classification of proper holomorphic maps from the unit ball in complex two dimensional space into the Cartan's classical domain of type IV in complex three dimensional space that extend smoothly to some boundary point. This classification (which is a

Hoang-Chinh Lu, Monge-Ampère Volumes on Compact Hermitian Manifolds


     Speaker Hoang-Chinh Lu Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay We investigate in depth the behaviour of Monge-Ampère volumes of quasi-psh functions on a given compact hermitian manifold. We prove that the property for these Monge-Ampère volumes to stay bounded away from zero or infinity is a bimeromorphic invariant. We show in particular that a conjecture of

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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