Yoon-Joo Kim, The Dual Lagrangian Fibration of Compact Hyper-Kähler Manifolds


     Speaker Yoon-Joo Kim Stony Brook University A compact hyper-Kähler manifold is a higher dimensional generalization of a K3 surface. An elliptic fibration of a K3 surface correspondingly generalizes to the so-called Lagrangian fibration of a compact hyper-Kähler manifold. It is known that an elliptic fibration of a K3 surface is always "self-dual" in

Yoon-Joo Kim, Isotrivial Fibrations of Compact Hyper-Kähler Manifolds

B266 IBS, Korea, Republic of

     Speaker Yoon-Joo Kim MPI-Bonn A compact hyper-Kähler (HK) manifold and its Lagrangian fibration are higher-dimensional generalizations of a K3 surface and its elliptic fibration. A Lagrangian fibration f : X → B of a HK manifold is called isotrivial if its smooth fibers are all isomorphic to each other; this is the most

School and Workshop on Moduli, K-trivial Varieties, and Related Topics

IBS Science Culture Center Daejeon, Korea, Republic of (On Feb 23, the venue will be in B109, IBS)

Speakers for Mini-courses (Feb 21~23) Harold Blum (University of Utah) Radu Laza (Stony Brook University) Colleen Robles (Duke University) Speakers for Workshop (Feb 21~23, and 26-29) Kenneth Ascher (UC Irvine) Philip Engel (Univ. of Bonn) Laure Flapan (Michigan State University) Yoon-Joo Kim (Columbia University) Kyoung-Seog Lee (POSTECH) Zhiyuan Li (SCMS, Fudan University) Yuchen Liu (Northwestern

IBS 복소기하학연구단 Center for Complex Geometry
기초과학연구원 복소기하학연구단
대전 유성구 엑스포로 55 (우) 34126
IBS Center for Complex Geometry
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
55 Expo-ro Yuseong-gu Daejeon 34126 South Korea
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