Sheng Meng, On Surjective Endomorphisms of Projective Varieties
B236-1 IBS, Korea, Republic ofSpeaker Sheng Meng East China Normal University Let X be a normal projective variety over C. Let f be a surjective endomorphism of X. In this talk, I …
Speaker Sheng Meng East China Normal University Let X be a normal projective variety over C. Let f be a surjective endomorphism of X. In this talk, I …
Speaker Chuyu Zhou Yonsei University In this lecture, I will recall some basic knowledge on K-stability and some background on wall crossing in proportional setting. Then we plan …
Speaker Chuyu Zhou Yonsei University In this lecture, we will talk about two properties of K-semistable domains in non-proportional setting. One is the finiteness criterion, which states that …
Speaker Xiaojun Huang Rutgers Univ Let M be a smooth real codimension two compact submanifold in a Stein manifold. We will prove the following theorem: Suppose that M …
Speaker Changho Han Korea university K3 surfaces, as a generalization of elliptic curves, have a rich amount of geometric properties. Recalling that elliptic curves are double covers of …
Speaker Justin Lacini Princeton university A log del Pezzo surface is a normal surface with only Kawamata log terminal singularities and anti-ample canonical class. Over the complex numbers, …
Speaker David Sykes IBS CCG The basic problem of finding (local) biholomorphisms mapping one real hypersurface in a complex space onto another is only well understood for a …
Speaker Naoto Yotsutani Kagawa university We prove that if the Futaki invariant of a polarized Bott manifold (X, L) for any ample line bundle L vanishes, then X …
Speaker Giancarlo Urzua Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile The projective plane is rigid. However, it may degenerate to surfaces with quotient singularities. After the work of Bădescu and …
Speaker Izzet Coskun University of Illinois Chicago In this talk, I will explain how to use Bridgeland stability conditions to compute the ample and effective cones of moduli …
Speaker Izzet Coskun University of Illinois Chicago In this talk, I will explain how to use Bridgeland stability conditions to compute the cohomology of a general stable sheaf …
Speaker Luca Schaffler Roma Tre University The moduli space of hyperplanes in projective space has a family of geometric and modular compactifications that parametrize stable hyperplane arrangements with …