Insong Choe (최인송, Konkuk University)
Insong Choe (최인송) Visitor (2023.3.1-2024.2.28) from Konkuk University Office: B255
Insong Choe (최인송) Visitor (2023.3.1-2024.2.28) from Konkuk University Office: B255
Speakers for Mini-courses (Feb 21~23) Harold Blum (University of Utah) Radu Laza (Stony Brook University) Colleen Robles (Duke University) Speakers for Workshop (Feb 21~23, and 26-29) Kenneth Ascher (UC Irvine) …
Speaker Gebhard Martin Universität Bonn Motivated by the classification of finite subgroups of the Cremona group of the plane, I will survey old and new results on automorphism …
Speaker Claudia Stadlmayr Technische Universität München Canonical surface singularities, also called rational double points (RDPs), can be classified according to their dual resolution graphs, which are Dynkin diagrams …
Speaker Gebhard Martin Universität Bonn Motivated by the classification of finite subgroups of the Cremona group of the plane, I will survey old and new results on automorphism …
Speaker Gebhard Martin Universität Bonn Motivated by the classification of finite subgroups of the Cremona group of the plane, I will survey old and new results on automorphism …
Speaker Boris Doubrov Belarusian State University, Minsk We introduce the notion of a bifiltered manifold and generalizing the constructions of the symbol and Tanaka prolongation from nilpotent differential …
Speaker Dennis The The Artic University of Norway, Tromso In their 2013 article, An & Nurowski considered two surfaces rolling on each other without twisting or slipping, and …
Speaker Yong Hu Shanghai Jiao Tong University Let X be a smooth irregular 3-fold of general type. In this talk, we will prove that the optimal Noether inequality …
Speaker Michel Brion U. Grenoble This is an introductory lecture on symmetric spaces in algebraic geometry.
Speaker Michel Brion U. Grenoble This is an introductory lecture on compactifications of symmetric spaces in algebraic geometry.
Speakers Michel Brion (U. Grenoble) Jarek Buczynski (IMPAN, Warsaw) Thibaut Delcroix (U. Montpellier) Minseong Kwon (KAIST/IBS-CCG) Qifeng Li (Shandong U.) Yoshinori Namikawa (RIMS, Kyoto) Kyeong-Dong Park (Gyeongsang National U.) Boris …